The powerful coalition of Wiktor Leo Burnett, Starmedia, Socialists, Leopard Production and Data Science brings you a new perspective on marketing
communication for the era hit by corona virus pandemic and after it.
Model of this integrated communication group built on synergy of data, expertise and organisation structure, allows to facilitate cross-category know-how,
hence quicker and more effective reactions to current challenges.
We are the biggest communications group
providing a full range of advertising and media services
with almost 200 professionals and specialists
from different spheres of communication in Slovak market.
Kreator Group, Slovakia
Leadership & contact:
Rotating Chairperson:
Mihaela Paduraru (Media Concept Store, Romania)
Rotating Vice-Chairperson:
Tijana Pantelic Janicevic (Domino Communications, Serbia)
Coordination office:
Nr. 29 Musetesti Str/Ground floor/Apart. No. 5/ BUCHAREST-S1/ RO